Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Industrial Engineering, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.


In today's business landscape, the concept of the supply chain has gained significant prominence. An efficient supply chain is essential for guiding a business in an organized manner. This importance extends to supermarkets, where effective supply chain management necessitates improved communication with suppliers, customers, and internal management. Each facet of the supply chain plays a pivotal role in its own right. This study aims to investigate the crucial factors within the supermarket supply chain, drawing insights from existing literature and input from supply chain experts. The objective is to construct a framework that prioritizes these factors, considering each facet of the supply chain and arranging them from most to least critical. This research focuses on the analysis of a specific supermarket in Bangladesh, namely Save 'n' Safe, utilizing the FAHP methodology, a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) tool, to identify the most influential factors. The findings highlight that inventory management, internal information sharing, and accurate demand forecasting are the key determinants for Save 'n' Safe, a supermarket. Furthermore, the paper offers recommendations to enhance the current supply chain situation. The implications of this study extend not only to other supermarkets but also to various retail and grocery stores.


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