Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Technology, Woldia University, Woldia, Ethiopia.


Many numbers of speed breakers were constructed on different outlets and even inside the city of Woldia for the purpose of reducing car accidents that occurred due to over speed driving. Surely while the speed of the vehicle is reduced or the driver drives the vehicle at low speeds, the probability of accident occurrence is very low. But reducing the speed in such a manner or using sudden breaking will result in kinetic energy wastage due to change in velocity and wastage of potential energy due to climbing of the beaker height. In this study, the number of vehicles that were passed on the specified speed breaker was recorded in seven days and wasted energy was calculated and analyzed for each type of vehicle for the seven days. A total amount of 376,849.6kJ is wasted during those days on a single speed breaker which has a huge impact on the economy of the country by increasing fuel consumption of individual cars.


Main Subjects

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